Delivering the Ultimate customer experience is giving the consumer the straight goods; it’s about being real, friendly, and helpful with the right attitude, the right body language, and the right tone of voice. After all, you are the face and voice of the firm you represent. You need to adopt the principles that Disney deploys where cast members are trained before they jump into the front lines. Their practices are life-changing experiences under their belts, it’s simple to understand and process, and their processes are the guiding light for customer service. We often want to maximize the repair order by desiring to have 100% of their business. But by doing it right, and that’s not saying we need to knit-pick things, but by doing it right, the money will follow and so will all the great raving social media posts. Each customer experience must be an ethos, which changes the consumer’s mindset completely. Each step should be so calculated that you already know ahead of time what the feedback survey result will say, based on the scoring system/rating of 5 to 10, 10 will always win the day.